Stallholder Rollout
One more sleep then my little one is back at school and I can get busy! Everything is getting soooo exciting. Miss Betties, Benswick Vintage, Martha & Lilly, Tumbleweed and Beleza, Joe's Retro, Awoke on a Whale Heart, She Seldom Blushes, Smith & Bird .... plus a host of others ... just a few of the great names coming in to our Vintage Vixens and Vamps event. Starting tomorrow I will commence featuring stalls through facebook so look out for the pics.
And Maureen has returned! We spent yesterday afternoon enjoying all the goodies she brought back with her - we had a lot of fun playing dress ups! I'd upfashioned one of the men's shirts I love to wear and was complimented by a young male passenger riding in another car when we stopped at the traffic lights! Certainly politically incorrect but there are days when a bit of playful cheek just caps off how one is feeling. All good fun.