Hey Joe Retro is another of our stallholders at our October Fair. Read on...
What sort of things can we expect from Hey Joe at the VVV Fair this year? We will be previewing our range of bathers and beachwear, bringing down menswear for the guys along with some records, a selection of our vintage designer sunglasses and a few choice pieces of vintage homewares, along with summer day dresses and tooled leather bags..
Where did the name come from? Its a combination of a Jimi Hendrix song, our location on South St, and the first two initials of my name Helen Joyce - says it all about the shop.
Why retro? why not new? Who wants new just like everyone else, retro and vintage provides something unique, and retro especially gives you bright plastics, funky flowers and puts a smile on your face.
Where can we find you? Cnr South and Stokes Sts White Gum Valley, 5 minutes out of Fremantle
What are your opening hours? Thurs - Sun 11am-6pm
Contact details: 9433 5191, hejocoda@virginbroadband.com.au, check us out on facebook @ HEY JOE RETRO.