At 2:00 a.m. I HEARD HARPS....

.....harps because that is the ring tone I selected for Nicole's phone. One never wants to hear their phone ring at 2:00 a.m. Sleepily I answered "Hello" and on her end she said "Mom, we are being evacuated" "The Firemen and Police are here and our house is flooded."(They live on a river) "OMG come here." "OK". Her kitchen had about a foot of water in it and there was no stopping it. I put the outside lights on and waited and waited but they never showed up. Then I got another phone call from Nicole telling me that our street was flooded and the water was running directly into her yard, house. She lives right at the end of our street directly across from it. They were not going to let her chance coming here. She, Manny and the girls had to sleep in the Firehouse all night where they set up cots for them. Can I just say right now how WONDERFUL the Woodbury Firemen are!!!!!!!! All of the streets that lead to our street were blocked off because they all have bridges that run over the river.
 They were able to come here after the water started to recede.
Thankfully everyone is just fine. They are staying with us for now and it is crazy but I like it;) On top of that Don has been in bed with a stomach flu, poor thing. The cleaning up has started and Nicole said she is thinking about redecorating now that she is starting over again:) Oh, and everyone on her face book was happy that she saved the 90 cases of Girl Scout cookies that we had picked up last weekend:) Gotta look on the bright side:)THESE PHOTOS WERE TAKEN after the water receded..

Nicole's back yard. The water covered the walk bridge.
                             Her side yard.
NO, that is not a lake!!!That is a huge beautiful field where the kids play,people walk their dogs and crops are grown. It is across the street from Nicole's house. The water had crossed the road.
The field, unbelievable.
The field is across the street from this car.
The currents from the water were so strong that the car was washed off of the road right in front of the house. It must have been so scary for the driver. It had to be hard to get out of the car without being swept away too.

The ruts that the water made. The water rushed in so hard into this garage that it knocked everything inside over. What a mess.
                                             The field.
The side of Nicole's house.

I am very grateful that things turned out the way they did. It could have been a lot worse. Possessions can be replaced, loved ones can't and that is what matters in the end.

'Till next time.....
~Debra xxx